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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Twice-Baked Potatoes: Idaho and Sweet!

I know everyone has heard of twice-baked potatoes, and there are so many different things you can enhance them with, like bacon, or lobster, along with a whole lot of seasonings, but have you ever heard of twice-baked sweet potatoes?  I know I haven't, but I thought it was such a cool idea.  You'll have to let me know what you think!

To begin, you need to bake both types of potatoes.  I placed them in a 400 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  When they are done, take them out of the oven and let them cool.  Cut in half, scoop out the potato into a bowl.  I add almost a whole stick of butter, but you can adjust that to whatever you would like.  I also add a little garlic powder and onion powder, along with salt and pepper.  Now for the decadence..... ½ a block of cream cheese, about ½ cup of Parmesan cheese, and two large spoonfuls of sour cream.  I also add some fat-free ½ and ½ to thin them out.  It sounds funny adding something fat-free after all that butter and cheese!  Oh well...   It's all about the flavors.  Put a couple of spoonfuls of this mixture aside to add to your sweet potatoes.  The final step is to fold in about a cup of shredded cheddar cheese into the remaining white mixture.   
As for the sweet potatoes.....hollow them out and put the potato into another bowl.  I add in a couple of tablespoons of butter, and the reserved white potato mixture.   Once it is mixed together, sprinkle enough cinnamon and brown sugar so you can taste them .  I chop up a small handful of pecans and fold those in.  You will need to add just a little salt as well.
At this point, taste both types of potatoes and see if they need anything else.  If not, it is time to stuff your empty potato skins.  Sprinkle the white potatoes with a little cayenne pepper and the sweet potatoes with a little cinnamon, and bake in a 375 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.

That's all there is to it.  I always make too many of these!  I forget how rich they are....Plan on ½ of a potato per person!

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